Sažetak | Naš rad prikazuje poimanje čovjeka i obitelji u personalističkoj filozofiji i teološkoj
antropologiji Karola Wojtyłe/Ivana Pavla II. te utjecaj njegove teološke misli na shvaćanje
obitelji za vrijeme njegova pontifikata. Personalistička antroplogija i analize ljubavi koje je
Wojtyła razradio u svojim glavnim filozofsko-teološkim djelima temelj su za promišljanje o
obitelji, tj. poimanje obitelji kao communio personarum. Personalističko poimanje obitelji
vodi konzekventno i dubljem razumijevanju osobe u svjetlu obitelji.
Disertacija je podijeljena na tri poglavlja. Prvo poglavlje pruža pregled biblijskoga i
povijesnoga razvoja poimanja osobe i različitih personalizama. U povijesnom smo pristupu
primijenili genetičko-analitičku metodu pomoću koje smo temu osobe i njene komunitarne
dimenzije predstavili u povijesnom kontinuitetu. To će omogućiti bolje razumijevanje
Wojtyłina metafizičkoga personalizma. U drugom i trećem poglavlju temeljem usporedna
analitičkoga istraživanja i primjenom metode teološko-filozofske interpretacije izvorne i
sekundarne literature predstavit će se utemeljenje Wojtyłine koncepcije osobe, ljubavi i
obitelji. Svoju personalističku koncepciju osobe Wojtyła razvija u dijalogu s tradicijom i
fenomenologijom Maxa Schelera. Stoga će se u drugom poglavlju izložiti način na koji autor
primjenom fenomenološke metode pridonosi produbljivanju realistične koncepcije osobe. Analizirat će se komunitarna dimenzija osobe, što je bitno za promišljanje biti i vrijednosti
obitelji kao zajednice života i odgojne zajednice. U trećem poglavlju pozornost će se posvetiti
odjecima Wojtyłine personalističke antropologije u dokumentima njegova pontifikata. Budući
da obitelj kao communio personarum predstavlja i etičku realnost, prikazat će se uloga
vrijednosti i ljubavi u obitelji. Kategorijom communio Wojtyła ukazuje na personalnu i
interpersonalnu dimenziju svih socijalnih odnosa. Stoga i u analizama obitelji polazi od
kategorije communio, a ne samo od kategorije zajednice. Teološko promišljanje o obitelji
Karola Wojtyłe aktualno je u današnje vrijeme krize obitelji koja je povezana s krizom
antropoloških vrijednosti. Prema Familiaris consortio jedna je od zadaća obitelji njezina
odgojno-moralna funkcija. Stoga će se istražiti primjena načela Wojtyłine personalističke
etike i teološkoga nauka na području odgoja s naglaskom na odgoju savjesti kao sastavnim
elementom odgoja. Wojtyłina filozofsko-teološka refleksija može pridonijeti boljem
razumijevanju obitelji te nadvladavanju njezine krize. |
Sažetak (engleski) | The doctoral thesis presents the understanding of a man and a family in Karol
Wojtyla's/Pope John Paul II personalist philosophy and theological anthropology, and the
influence of his theological thoughts during his pontificate, on understanding a family. Personalist anthropology and analyses of love that Wojtyla elaborated in his main
philosophical and theological works are the foundation for deliberation about a family, i. e. understanding family as communio personarum , as well as the centre of interpersonal
The main goal of this research is to analyse and study Karol Wojtyla's works and
documents in which he deals with the questions of marriage and family, and investigates the
relation between his personalist anthropology and understanding of a family on one hand, and
on the other hand how personalist view on family consistently leads to understanding a
person. The work starts with the premise that the personalist anthropology and on it based
Karol Wojtyla's personalist ethics, have a defining role in his concept of a family as communio
personarum and enable original insights into the relations between community structure and
personal subjectivity. According to the set goal, the research uses the combination of historical and
systematic, and theological approach. Hence the research methods. In historical approach the
genetic and analytical method was applied, by which in the first part the theme of a person
and its communitarian dimensions were presented in historical continuity. Based on parallel
analytical research and applied method of theological and philosophical interpretation of
original and secondary literature in other parts, the establishment of Wojtyla's personalist
concept of a family has been indicated.
The thesis is divided into three parts. The first part gives the view on Karol Wojtyla's/
John Paul II life, then gives the overview of the historical and Biblical development of
understanding a person and different personalisms, which gave the relevant broader historical
and theological frame. This has enabled better understanding of Wojtyla's metaphysical
personalism and the better insight into the actuality and originality of his personalist concept
of a person, which he as a pope used as the basis for his doctrine of a family.VI
The second part shows the way how personalism became Karol Wojtyla's thought
pattern. We followed the course of his intellectual journey, with the purpose of recognizing
influences on the development of his theosophical and philosophical thought. Since Korol
Wojtyla's understanding of a family is not possible to comprehend without his personalist
anthropology and ethics, the second part expounds his concept of a man. Wojtyla develops his
concept of a person in a dialogue with a tradition and Max Scheler's phenomenology. A
person is a relationship creature and can not be self realised without togetherness.
Consequently we analysed communitarian dimension of a person, which is essential for
understanding the essence and value of a family as a community of life – communio
personarum, and as a community of education. We paid special attention to the key term
“participating”. On the very grounds of the term “taking part/participating”, Karol Wojtyla
tries to explain, in the field of dynamic correlation of a person and an act, the social nature of
a man. At the same time Karol Wojtyla develops his “theory of participating”as an antithesis
to depersonalization and alienation in individualism and totalitarianism.
The third part pays attention to the reflections of Wojtyla's personalist anthropology in
the documents during his pontificate. Since a family as communio personarum also represents
ethical reality, we demonstrated the role of value and love as an antithesis to utilitarianism and
egotism. To this purpose, following Karol Wojtyla's analyses, we showed the essential factors
of love and also the features of love as an experience and responsible ethical act. By the
concept of communio Woytila emphasizes the personal and interpersonal dimension of all
social relations. Consequently when analysing families he starts from the concept of
communio in terms of togetherness, and not only community. We have started from the
standpoint that Karol Wojtyla based his understanding of a man as a creature of relationships
on the analogy of God- the Holy Trinity. This is why pope John Paul II put the emphasis on
understanding the divine plan for a family in its human reality. According to the apostolic
letter Familiaris consortio , one of the roles of a family is its educational and moral function.
Therefore we have presented the application of principles of Wojtyla's personalist ethics and
theological doctrine on educational field, with emphasis on education of conscience as an
integral element of every education.
Karol Wojtyla's theological reflection of a family is still topical nowadays in time of
family crisis connected to the crisis of anthropological values. Our aim is to indicate the
contribution of theological and personalist concept to Karol Wojtyla's family, so we have
summarized the results of the analyses in the final conclusion, and highlighted certain featuresVII
of the author's personalist concept of a family. We think this work will contribute to a better
understanding among Croatian public of Wojtyla's insufficiently accepted theological
anthropology and personalist phylosophy, especially of his concept of a family. The analysis
contributes to constructing civilization of love and to promotion of dignity of a person and a
family, as well as to overcoming the crisis of ethics in the area of human life. The analysis
can open the perspectives for further research in the field of social ethics and education. |